May 10, 2010
May 8, 2010
faltjahr 2010 from yohann on Vimeo.
Some long time ago, when I have been studying in Hungary, on my advertising class, I have developed my first POP up project. 3 dimensional phantasies will grab your attention on the spot when you hold it in your hands. Think how you can integrate such a media into your campaign, brand or simply an invitation to your birthday party. For inspiration check out this link.Why?
April 1, 2010
Lego table
March 9, 2010
February 22, 2010
Creative office design
January 15, 2010
Kitesurfing, beard & my new girlfriend Eureka
January 14, 2010
Help Haiti or how fast you are?
Hapiness Machine
January 13, 2010
Trends 2010
January 11, 2010
Exploiting Chaos
Augmented reality shopping application
Kinetic typography
January 10, 2010
Fortune-teller vs. Google teller
January 8, 2010
Augmented reality
You pair of socks, cars, CVs, washing machines, travel guides, your country's government expenditure reports - it is all comming into augmented reality. Wanna stay at the edge of marketing news, then check out the video how Esquire has added the technology to the print and created a new dimmension of customer experience.Do not understand what is augmented reality. This link might help you? Recommend also to check what UK Guradian says about augmented journalism trends.& if you are still following me then visit TED and see what MIT guys are working on - Sixth Sense project.
January 7, 2010
Ask for date
January 6, 2010
How to create your own pair of socks
Second room – dig into creation/ production processes. How socks become socks? Have no clue, but you better check it how sock are designed, knitted, sued, weared… what materials and where they come from, what special is about making them comfortable to wear and so on. Put on your socks and move on to third room.
Third room – advertising. You check out all possible advertisements about socks. You see how different brands are positioned, what promises they communicate. Check customer feedback on forums to see how they perceive the value, get insights on holes development and repair tips. Here you are almost finished with preparation phase so it is time to rush into fourth room right now.
Fourth room – dark room. That is the dark space where you sit alone with a long pair of socks and where the real work starts. So move on, your head is full of fruits, just harvest them, mix, blend and create your own unique pair of socks.